50k Gobi Desert >>> THE MOVIE <<<

Santi Ferrando, my friend and room mate at the 50k Gobi Desert Ultra Marathon  just published his self made video from our run through the desert on Nov. 8th. Most of the movie is in Spanish language, but it’s not a problem; the landscape is the main actor. 🙂 Enjoy this great video and also check out the other running videos …

50K Gobi Desert Ultra-marathon

After a very exiting weekend in the Gobi desert I’m on the way home now to recover for 3 days. On Thursday I have to travel again. The Guizhou100 run is waiting for me in a few days. But this is a different story, probably the next one. Now i want talk a little bit about my successful run in …

A weekend in the Gobi desert

This weekend I’m hanging around in the Gobi desert in Northwestern Gansu province. Exactly I’m in Jiuquan, which is also the main city for the Chinese space program. The Chinese space rockets are launched not far away from here. The 50k Gobi Ultra-Marathon is a pure invitational race. In total we are 300 runners from all around the world, sitting …